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Parent Cafe´

Parent Cafés are physically and emotionally safe spaces where parents and caregivers talk about the challenges and victories of raising a family. Through individual deep self-reflection and peer-to-peer learning, participants explore their strengths, learn about the Protective Factors, and create strategies from their own wisdom and experiences to help strengthen their families.

Cafés are carefully-designed, structured discussions that use the principles of adult learning and family support. They are highly sustainable with training reinforcement, institutional support, and a commitment to an approach that engages and affirms parents as leaders. Participants leave Parent Cafés feeling inspired, energized, and excited to put into practice what they’ve learned.

The Be Strong Families Parent Café Model is structured around questions related to each of the five Strengthening Families Protective Factors™, a nationally recognized, research-based framework for keeping children safe and families strong. The Parent Café model was developed by parent leaders as part of Strengthening Families-Illinois in 2007. 

The Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors are:

  • Resilience: Parent Resilience

  • Relationships: Positive Social Connections

  • Support: Concrete Support in Times of Need

  • Knowledge: Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development

  • Communication: Social and Emotional Competence

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